ACU had been adopted by the U.S. Army for a couple of years now, so a ACU bash now seem appropriate or kinda late..... Well the problem was the less than satisfactory 1/6 ACU offerings in the early days.
From memory, the earliest ACU rendition was TS' ACU accessories set & BBI's 10th Mountain Div boxset. TS' set was a rather comprehensive set less figure & weapon but the problem was the accuracy of the ACU camo pattern which in those early days tend to be slightly smudgy & not as pixelated as actual 1:1 ACU digital print. BBI's boxset on the other hand was slightly better in terms of the ACU pattern (even till today) but one major gripe was it only offers ACU BDU & helmet but not in the loadout e.g. rig, vests, pouches.
As time goes by & fast forward till today, various ACU offerings by HT, VH, SS, TS had been produced with HT rolling out one ACU boxset after another in 08 with only variations in theme/loadout only. All ACU patterns seemed to differ slightly amongst different makers with some looking more greenish when in my opinion they should be grey. TS' ACU Ranger Mullen was the closet by far in my feel.
Parts from my bash are from all the usual suspects. I kinda think the BDU & interceptor are from SS but can't be 100% sure. And somehow they still look kinda greenish which still bothers me. WELL... if you can't beat them, just use them..... or whatever you have that is.