Sunday, October 4, 2009

Captain Miller - SPR

With the momentum after completing the previous MGS (Zombie) Snake bash, decided to follow it up with another of my 'to do list, for the longest time ever' bash (only 1 bash left from the list after this....relief!)

Excellent reference from one of the OSW Kitbash of the month winning entry provided the basis for the bash. It was quite a challenge sourcing for the various loose parts from the compass case, right down to the map case & ammo bag. Of course the key ingredient being the LBS h/s which is the crucial part, to this effect, special thanks to Mr. Dominic Chan (i truely admire your bashes).

Again utilizing my recycle HT Truetype body, balance of remaining parts are mainly DID, cept for the boots which i think is NLM, h/s touch up is by Yellowbox and the collar tabs are DIY-ed.

i luv it when all the parts come together.... perhaps still not 100% accurate but satisfactory non-the-less.