This will prob be one of the very few kitbashes for me this year as 1/6 prices continue to soar & slowly wanes me off the hobby. By the time a 1/6 military boxset release cost $200, it’ll be time to call it a day.
I know USMC fields the M27 but weren’t sure if MARSOC does likewise as most of the time you’ll see them with Mk18s & M4s in reference pics. So the M27 kitted here is purely my doing (for lack of any loose weapons in inventory & also cost savings….).
Personally, I’m still skeptical with the M27 as a SAW replacement & designate. The Marine Corp evaluation might deemed accuracy over firepower as the main compelling reason for the switch but nothing beats continuously suppressive auto-fire to keep heads down in a fire fight IMHO.
There’s also the combat load for the M27 which come in 30 rds mags. Given the prescribed individual combat load of 22 mags, that’s a lot of clips to distribute around.
That said, I’ve gone COD style & given my M27 a dual drum loadout. Managed to scavenge it off an old BBI Tony Bishop (coincidentally also a USMC Force Recon figure) weapon accessory, which fits & did the job perfectly.
H/s: Loading Toys
Body: Kings Toy
Hiking shoes: TC
Comms: PH
Backpack: DAM
Oakleys: HT
Goggles: Sideshow
.45: BBI
Hostler: HT (knife add-on)
M27: E&S (drum mag BBI)
All other pouches misc: SS, TS, TC, etc.