New Year, new bash. Another Brit once again, this time a Royal Marine from 3 Commando Brigade.
No actual 1:1 reference photo to work on as usual but ideas are more of a mix from works of other fellow kitbashers (plus some own interpretation). Also came to realize that 1/6 modern British gears are a rare find these days....
Though managed to score a HT British helmet, it was tough work finding a small enough h/s due to the helmet's relative tight fit. In the end, an old BBI h/s did the job but would have preferred a more aggressive h/s (given the choice).
Same goes for the weapon where a HT L85UGL would have been ideal, but being cost conscious, had to settle for a classic DML L86 LSW.... still not too shabby as it turns out (i hope).
Body: HT TrueType
H/s: BBI
Combat Shirt: BS
BDU Pants: HT
Osprey: BS
PLCE+pouches: Armoury???
Kneepad: HT
Comms: HT
Helmet: HT
Goggles: TS
L86: DML
Bayonet: DML
Browning+hostler: HT