Sunday, February 7, 2010

Navy SEAL (Desert Operator)

Some thots: at the fast pace where boxset/accessories are being release these days, would parts from old manufacturers of yesteryear still shine in kitbashes, would there still be a demand for them, could they still blend with new items in kitbashes?

I guess that's what i've attempted to do for this latest bash & perhaps the next few when & if i get round to them; by mix & matching the old & the new.

Granted that the themes might be rather limited if you're going to use some old items for bashes but on the other hand the benefit.... purely financial. It's forced me to look long & hard at my stash of loose items over the years that might have been forgotten & try to figure out a use for them. And another advantage: gets the creative juices flowing on kitbash ideas.... ideal for getting out of a kitbash dry spell/bottleneck.

Parts breakdown (old):
- Body + h/s (BBI)
- Chest rig/backpack/pouches (TS)
- Fleece pullover (BBI?)
- 3C BDU pants (DML)
- M249 para (BBI)
- M9 + hostler (HT)
- Shamag (BBI)

Parts breakdown (new):
- Assault boots (SoldierStory)
- Knee pads (SoldierStory)
- Glove hands (Dr.Figures)
- Shades (Dr.Figures)
- Body Armour (HT)

Seems like a case of the old outweighing the new for this one.