Most kitbashes i've done so far are predominantly on U.S. forces, so this Brit bash is an attempt on a different genre.
As a first, have decided to go with the tried & tested S.A.S due in general to the popularity of the subject & also being slightly more liberal in their weapons & gear during field deployment.
Not entirely sure on the compatibility of the Brit desert camo & DPM gear i've put together & also due to my limited knowledge of Brit equipments/loadouts, hence apologies for any misrepresentations.
Body: BBI G3.5
H/s: BBI
Vest: BBI
Jacket: HT
Pants: DML
Shamag: BBI
Browning Hi-power: BBI
Hostler: HT
M203: HT
Sub-load: VH
ESS goggles: TS
Backpack: Armoury???